Explore|Create|1 – Cueva del Indio

Many times when we think of beautiful locations we think of buying a plane ticket and visiting an exotic location. What we tend to not consider is that beauty is sometimes in our backyard (well no literally).

As an example I bring forth exhibit A on this blog, La cueva del Indio in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. In my case an hour and half trip resulted in a set of images I really loved, may make prints of these available so stay tuned.

The point of this post is to basically showcase that many times beauty is within reach, no plane ticked or passport required. As a photography instructor you would not believe how many of my students hold back ideas or inspiration because they’re waiting for that exotic location to try out their new gear, skills or whatever.

Don’t wait, explore your home, explore your street, explore your neighborhood, don’t wait. Create now.


For the camera geeks out there the images where made with a D300s, RAW files edited in Adobe Lightroom. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.

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